his season the two diets that are in the spotlight are Keto and Whole30, both promise quick results and usually get it, but perhaps at a high price for our health. And nothing is achieved in terms of nutritional health if it is not from a gradual and sustainable change of our habits.
We speak with Mireia Escolar, dietitian-nutritionist, who will give us her professional opinion on both diets, why they work and in what aspects they can be dangerous, to take this into account and monitor under what conditions it is better not to perform them.
Both are low carb diets
These two miracle diet, which are so popular this summer, have in common that they exclude carbohydrates or limit them very bluntly. Both have the worst scores in the US medical rankings. because they limit very radically the consumption of many food groups that are conventionally believed to be positive for our health, and do not provide any scientific research to support this decision. Consequently, they are diets that reduce weight, but have several side effects, among others they can cause constipation, incessant thirst and fatigue.
Keto diet
“There are diets that are not such, but serve to deceive our body, generating an exceptional reaction, as they force it to behave in a manner contrary to its nature and, as a consequence, we can end up losing weight, but not as a sign of health , but of a mismatch of our metabolism ”, explains Escolar.
What the keto diet produces is that our body starts a process called ketosis, which consists of producing “ketone bodies,” this happens when we drastically reduce the hydrates in our diet, which are a source of energy, and the brain begins to look for alternative pathways. to produce energy, in this case fats and glucose, both those we consume and the reserve stored by the body itself.
To achieve this process, foods high in carbohydrates, such as cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, are taken out of the diet. Nor is it usually allowed to consume meat, nuts, oils or eggs. "As we do not ingest hydrates, we lose weight when our body mobilizes fatty acids to get energy, and the protein intake will directly facilitate body mass that acts just when we are burning a significant amount of fat," explains Mireia Escolar.
However, the keto diet is very difficult to recommend because keeping it over time can have harmful health consequences such as dizziness, dizziness, nausea and halitosis.
“The most important thing to keep in mind is that it is a nutritional style that becomes unsustainable for our body only serves to be carried out sporadically because our body is making an extra effort only for situations of nutritional difficulties. In addition, this diet has serious side effects with respect to our cognitive level, because glucose is necessary for the proper functioning of our brain, and if it is deprived of this nutrient it can start to have concentration problems and develop cognitive problems, ”he says. School.
We may also experience bad breath, headaches, dizziness and nausea, although the latter symptoms are rare and, if they occur, experience indicates that they disappear as the state of ketosis progresses over time.
In conclusion, the keto or ketogenic diet is an alternative that well controlled and planned can be very helpful to burn fat and obtain metabolic improvements, so many use it in muscle definition stage. However, we can also go to diets low in non-ketogenic hydrates that promote weight loss without our body entering ketosis and without the need for greater restrictions in the usual diet.
Whole 30 diet
This diet is considered paleo and banishes from our diet all processed foods, proposing, in addition, that there is no exchange of healthy foods, trying to deceive our palate to give a taste or presentation similar to that of processed or processed preparations .
All foods containing sugar or sweeteners, any type of cereal, legumes and dairy products are left out . What makes the Whole 30 diet even more restrictive than a paleo is the strict prohibition of any kind of nuts, or seeds. Neither quinoa nor green beans.
“The fact that it is a diet with so many prohibitions, far beyond what would be understood by a paleo diet, which suppresses hydrates without providing any scientific criteria, and that, furthermore, prohibits us from developing a menu that serves to normalize our diet and make it more bearable, it causes the mood of those who follow this diet to be much more stressful and overwhelming, and generates a feeling of anxiety and penance that, in the long run, is very unhelpful, ”explains Escolar, who also refers To that, again, it is a diet for a very short time, in this case 30 days, which by definition is recognizing that it is not a healthy habit, but a way of causing a shock in our metabolism and curd our diet, with the consequent rebound and anxiety effects that this subsequently generates.
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