In these summer days, you want to spend little time in the kitchen and multiply plans away from home. A tandem that can make a dent in our diet . Therefore, we wanted to have the opinion of two experts in nutrition to tell us what their keys are to 'survive' the most desired season without taking extra kilos and eating healthy. How do they face their food in summer? What is not missing in your pantry in these hot days? Two experts explain how to enjoy this season to the fullest without taking a toll on your weight.
 In the opinion of Elisa Blázquez, a nutritionist at the IQtra Clinic, the key is to include many fresh and seasonal vegetables in the diet. “I start the day with fresh fruit and accompany my meals with a large salad. I consume a lot of raw vegetables: spinach, arugula, avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, etc. I accompany my salads of sprouts, seeds, good oil and fresh herbs. In this season I love to buy peppermint, parsley, basil, coriander and fill my dishes with their aromas, ”he explains, adding that he drinks plenty of water and, to keep himself well hydrated , he also usually prepares“ homemade lemonade with juice of a lemon, a lime, some mint leaves and a few drops of stevia ”.
In general, the expert makes in these months “fresh recipes, legumes in wok, quinoa salads, fish in ceviche, tarts, marinades, etc. For me the key is always to enjoy the food that makes you feel in balance. Summer is an ideal time to eat healthy, light and tasty, ”he tells us. Magda Pérez, nutritional coach of Carmen Navarro, agrees that it is essential “to adapt to the season in which we find ourselves and take advantage of the products that the land offers us at each time of the year. That is the key to an intelligent and balanced diet. And it also gives us the differentiating factor compared to other stations, getting our dishes to change and getting away from boring diets. ”

Stay well hydrated and run away from precooked foods

The dietitian of the Carmen Navarro centers explains that as we are now in the summer, simple rules must be followed, in her opinion. He summarizes them in three:
1. “Keep us hydrated and I'm not talking about water alone. As an ally food to get it we found the watermelon. It will give you vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium and it is very rich in lycopene and beta-carotene, good to take care of your cardiovascular health and to protect us from UV rays ”.
2. “Do not fall into the temptation of precooked meals because we are on vacation. They have high caloric content. Choose simple dishes in their preparation, but healthy. A good option is to take raw vegetables. They refresh and give you vitamins and minerals. ”
3. “May your leisure time not be the excuse to become friends with the fridge. Free time often leads us to kill boredom by eating at a time and biting frequently. ”
The time has come to ask you the 'million-dollar question: do you think you can' survive 'the summer without gaining weight?  "Of course! But we must not obsess. It is best to enjoy the gastronomic wonders that accompany our vacation but be aware of the amounts we eat and maintain a balance. If we also compensate it with outdoor exercise or walking while we go sightseeing, instead of using the car, we can return without having won a gram, ”Carmen Navarro's expert tells us. Elisa Blázquez agrees, who clarifies that, in addition, “with the heat you usually have less appetite, you feel lighter and fresher meals. The days are longer and there is more time to play sports. Everything accompanies. ” Although he is aware that, yes, "the danger is the holidays and that you leave much more from home, but if we eat in moderation, we compensate and do sports,

Foods that are not missing in your fridge

And what healthy alternatives are not lacking in the nutritionists' kitchen in these summer months? “Never missing baby tomatoes , the Cherry in all its versions. Its light sweet taste and its vitamin contributions are the perfect ally for that moment in which our body asks us to ' peck'. With this alternative you have it at hand, but healthy, ”says Magda Pérez, who also names“ homemade lemonades, or 'waters of sensations' like the ones we prepare at Carmen Navarro centers taking advantage of seasonal fruits. The lime, blueberries, raspberries, are magnificent and if you make ice cubes with leftover lemonade you can also take it to the beach in an isothermal bottle maintaining all its properties, ”he adds. Meanwhile, in the pantry of the nutritionist Elisa Blázquez there is no lack of "a sea bass ceviche for dinner, many varied vegetables for my salads, coconut drink and kombucha as refreshing drinks, seasonal fruit and cucumber or gazpacho cream."
We ask you to tell us, in addition, what is, in your opinion, the infallible summer food . “ My star food in summer is undoubtedly watermelon . Its contribution of water is magnificent to keep us hydrated and also provides us with a large amount of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamins of group B and has a great satiating effect . With it you can prepare from sorbets, gazpachos, juices, jellies, refreshing poles, skewers ... countless combinations to make the heat much more bearable and to keep our weight and our skin perfect ”, tells the expert Carmen Navarro, which nuances which even helps us improve collagen production and keeps the skin hydrated. “In addition to being a source of antioxidantsIt helps us fight free radicals to prevent the appearance of spots and slow down the appearance of wrinkles, ”he concludes, confirming that everything is an advantage if we include this delicious and refreshing option in our shopping list. Elisa Blázquez has more doubts when choosing: “How difficult you make it, all the fruits in this era are spectacular. I love avocado at this time. And I love nectarines and Paraguayans. As you can see, I have not been able to choose one, ”he tells us.

And when we eat out?

The summer, of course, brings with it an increase in plans away from home, with friends, in which temptations always arise and they tend to fall into excess. Here Magda Pérez gives us useful advice: “ Just as it is not advisable to go to the supermarket hungry, it is not advisable to go to one of these plans on an empty stomach . If you take refreshing fruit or a snack before that plan of friends, you will avoid arriving with anxiety and it is also advisable to choose something light as a salad or vegetables as a starter to eat calmly the following dishes, controlling the impulse to eat small amounts healthy. ”
And what they do agree is that you do not have to give up plans if you get a little head. “I am a very sociable person and I love any plan with friends. I face them naturally, and spontaneously I take care of myself. In restaurants I tend to ask for healthy, because it is what I like. And if there is a less healthy alternative, I eat it without problem and enjoy it. But not abuse, simply because overeating doesn't suit me. Another trick is that I always try to go to an event without hunger, ”she also points out, and stresses that the key is in the balance. “It is clear that you eat differently at home, I also like to try everything. But the next day I return to my routines and balance perfectly. Now I have many weddings for example and in the cocktail I select what I want most, without getting purple. Then as the main course, I try the dessert a little and of course, I dance a lot. I do not usually feel impacted at the end, because I eat the amounts that my body asks for, ”explains the dietitian at the IQtra Clinic.

Your infallible menus for summer days

Finally, we ask you to share with us an example of a menu or infallible recipe for these months. Magda Pérez suggests a dish: “Fun and delicious: carrot and zucchini noodles . If you dress them with an avocado pesto, you also provide Vitamins A, B, C and D, Potassium, to keep you from cramping during your summer sports activity, and magnesium to keep your muscles up and keep up the pace that a good holiday also requires " Meanwhile, Elisa Blázquez summarizes her current routine from morning to night.
- Breakfast: Fresh fruit + oatmeal muesli with coconut drink, seeds, açai, nuts and cinnamon. Some days, add a toasted rye sourdough with extra virgin olive oil, avocado, sprouts and arugula. "I love this toast, I usually drink more during the weekend."
- Food: Very varied salad with vegetables of all colors, avocado, sprouts and extra virgin olive oil. Second, lots of fish, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat and organic chicken, mainly. “I eat red meat more outside the home, and I'm a little fan of pasta. But as quite varied. ”
- Dinner:  Always take a unique dish with some steamed vegetables, in wok or baked. And especially eggs, fish, seafood, sometimes tofu or carpacho. "My dinners are quite light, in general."

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